Thursday, June 19, 2008


I have the habit of collecting "Cultural stamps", Coins and Notes and "Caps" from each country that I visit. I collected Beijing 2008 Olympics Cap in Beijing in the year 2007 itself. China prepared for Olympics much in advance. My greatest regret is that I could not see "The Great Wall". Next time better luck.

Roads are excellent. I can get the best Pizzas from Pizza hut and find out Taj Mahal Hotel in the central part of Beijing.

1 USD is about 7 Yuans. I had been to the shopping complex to find a good jacket. Beijing was 2 degrees and even Mongolia was -27 degrees. One lady in a shop told me that the jacket, which I selected was about 900 Yuans. I bargained hard and got it for 160 Yuans. Incredible!!

This is China for you.


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