Thursday, June 19, 2008

BonSai- Vietnam

Vietnam, the BonSai country. From grass to trees- everything looks Bonsai.

I thought Chinese eats "everything that moves", but Vietnamese, Cambods are a step ahead.

If you are walking on the road and find stinking smell, it means pork is being cooked in some house. if you get a good aroma, as if sweets are cooked, you are wrong, it means dog meat is cooked in some house.

Vietnamese people suffer from poverty and many are tempted to relocate themselves to greener pastures such as Thailand, China and Philippines. Visited Hanoi and Ho-Chi-Ming City. Best Indian joint in Ho-Chi-Ming is "Saigon India" and then "Tandoor".
Both are near the cathedral and GPO.

I found many Indians settled in Vietnam are married to Vietnamese girls.


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